last week i was asked if i could make a backpack for a little guy about to start kindy. i looked about and found a great tutorial and started collecting up fabric that i thought would work.
i really enjoyed making it but it was a challenge as a) i usually make things up as i go and don't follow directions and b) i had to scissor cut all the pieces. it would have been so much faster with a rotary cutter. i think the thing i enjoyed the most was putting all the fabric together and, designing the images and type on the flap. i was determined to use what i had and only had to buy d rings and some piping cord. michael made the wooden toggle as i didn't want a plastic clasp.
the kindy boy loves giraffes and the colour red - i think i managed to cover those bases. seems so long ago that my babies were having their first kindy day. it was nice to travel down that road again!