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February 11, 2012


Ulla V.

It's wonderful...what a beautiful present for the little new Esther.

There is really something very special about getting homemade gifts for one's baby. I love it - because I know that so many good thoughts have been put into the gift while making it.
I'm sure that you have done that with this lovely blanket. :))


How sweet! The colors are so pretty and the tag is absolutely gorgeous!

Sue Webber

OH now that is just lovely! :D


I think I want to have a baby!! Just joking, but that is very gorgeous. I should get moving on that Ghan again shouldn't I??


absolutely beautiful!
the colors are so peaceful, and i love the tag!

Lisa Smith

What lovely colors- so soft and soothing... and your tag is just adorable! Such a special way to finish off a beautiful gift! As I'm new to your blog, please forgive me if this has been addressed before, but did you use all the same brand of yarn? You do such nice, even work, it really shows up nicely with the ripple!

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