just scraping in before easter! i have been curled up on the couch all week with prairie and a big box of tissues with lots of knitting and sewing. the week got away on me and all of a sudden its almost upon us.
i have never posted a pattern before so i hope it works for you (if you can find the time for a few bunny stitches) - its a very quick little project and is suitable for all ages. this is the one my seven and eight year olds made but i enjoyed making one for this post.
you will need: felt or felted blanket, fabric for inside of ears, fusible web (optional), yarn or fleece for tail, thread (two or three strands of embroidery floss) for stitching body and eyes, stuffing (fleece or polyfill), needle, scissors and water soluble pen
1. print and cut out pattern. if using fusible web to stick the inside ear fabric to the outside ear, cut a piece big enough for two ears and follow manufacturers instructions. trace around ear pattern and cut two ears (or two fabric and two felt if not using the fusible web) and then around the body and cut two body pieces.
2. stitch around the body using whip or blanket stitch leaving a gap between points a and b for stuffing. stuff the body and stitch up the gap.
3. use blanket, whip or running stitch to go around each ear and attach to the head with little whip stitches. mark, with a soluble pen, where you would like the eyes (or just guess) and using a darker coloured thread make the eyes with little seed stitches or french knots.
4. make the tail. i made a little pom pom on the this one but with the children we scrunched up little pieces of fleece and stitched those on.
you could make this bunny at any size - the original is (measuring from top of head to base) three and a half inches, plus the ears.
i would love it if you let me know if you make one and if you have any questions feel free to e mail me.
please use this pattern for personal use only.
happy easter!
ooooh! even though i didn't find this before easter, it's still springy around these parts. i think i know what lily and i will be doing next weekend!
Posted by: melissa | April 26, 2011 at 06:52 AM
A very sweet bunny! Nice pattern Louise!
Posted by: joanie | April 26, 2011 at 01:33 PM
Posted by: crafty mermaid | April 28, 2011 at 01:27 PM
So adorable . Would like to feature on my Squidoo Lens .Easter Decorations - how to make a Bunny and Easter Egg Tree.Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: eilval | November 13, 2012 at 01:39 PM