it rears its ugly head when something is removed. my mac is away yet again, gggrrrrrrrrrrrrr, due to power failure, again. this is the third time in 3 years and i am over it to say the least (G5s are apparently prone to this behaviour). we luckily have a back up pc laptop so i can at least do my daily visitations but no posting with photos. too hard basket. so, just an update on where i am at.
on the horizon, to take my mind off the mundane are the tickets tucked away to see old crow medicine show. we are very excited that they are coming down undah as they say on their website. they are playing in a small pub - a great venue. just try and keep me off stage when they sing wagon wheel! i am very good at that one - just ask my kids!!!
hopefully it won't be too long before i'm back with mac. the photos are stacking up on the camera so i'll have lots to share. until then, take care x