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January 11, 2008


Mimi K

Looks yummy!


You found a sunny spot! You lucky lucky thing!


How beautiful, your color choice is stunning.


yum! No sunny spots here...just wet ones :(

Jessica K.

That is so inspiring...I've been working on mine (one row at a time, too) since LAST April. I need to pull mine out again and get at it. Thanks for sharing, love those colors!

maize hutton

What is the pattern? I think I have this figured out now!

SherryBee in AZ

Hi, I stumbled into your site and loved it!
I just LOVE this afghan! The colors are so good together! I've been searching online for this pattern. Do you know where you got it from? Or what the name of the pattern is? I'd love to use some of my stash and leftovers to do this. Yours looks really soft, too!

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